Friday, December 21, 2007

Prayers for Dragonfly

I received a call from Dragonfly today, and she could use your prayers. She is in the hospital with an infected gall bladder and is to have surgery to remove it Sunday morning. In a way it's a blessing because she finally has a diagnosis for the pain in her back and she will feel better soon.

The infection has been there for six months and the incision may need to be larger than usual because the walls are thicker from the infection. If she is able to have laproscopic surgery then she may be able to leave Sunday evening.

The Sgt has next week off, as they were planning travel, so he will be able to help with Little Mister and take care of Dragonfly.

Please keep her family in your prayers and that she has a safe surgery and recovery.


amanda said...

oh, poor dragonfly. I was in her shoes a few years ago. She will feel so much better once the infernal organ is out.... Pass along my well wishes for a speed recovery and a Happy Christmas!

dawn224 said...

oh poor girl - I sent her an email just now, thanks for posting :)

painted maypole said...

i talked to her, too, and my hubby talked to the Sgt. today. looks like surgery will be happening about midnight (Central time... that's early morning in Germany) Sat. night. That's in half an hour! prayers continuing...

Badness Jones said...

Poor Dragonfly - I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers!

Mary Alice said...

thanks for the info. I am sending prayers for her.

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Didn't see this until just now - hope it went well for her.

the dragonfly said...

Thanks for the prayers! :) I'm still feeling pretty wretched, but at least I'm home. And the gall bladder is gone!! Woo hoo!