Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yes that is bread rising in my oven, six loafs and some rolls. I can't believe it myself, but I've started baking my own bread, this one is whole wheat and oatmeal. I'll start the oven in a couple of minutes so in about an hour I'll have fresh warm homemade bread. Who knew I could actually cook. lol

I've kind of got on this health kick, you know in that ever present battle to loose weight. So I've been watching my sugar contents and trying to eat more fresh things. Though I was thwarted by cookie dough.... Sunday at church they were having a fundraiser by selling cookie dough, so I bought two tubs, sugar cookie and chocolate chunk. And I broke down and made the sugar cookies on Sunday. Oh sooo good. Such weak will power.

It snowed last night, oh, about a foot of the cold white stuff on the ground. You know when we were kids, snow had such a different feel. I mean this, we didn't have any of the responsibilites as we do now, as adults. I shovelled, I am grateful I actually bought one this year. For 30 minutes I heaved the cold white stuff, such a not fun expierence. Cursing the driveway and it's slope and it's legenth. Why did we have to get such a long driveway? I guess that is one thing about Texas I will be grateful for, no snow.

Okay, I'm off to bake my bread, yumm, fresh warm bread and strawberry jelly. I'm in heaven right now.


Kat said...

Baking bread reminds me of my childhood. My mom always made her own bread. I think I must have been out of the house before I had store bought bread. Her bread was the best!
That is such a fun pic. Makes me feel all warm and cozy.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

REENblack said...

That looks sooo good! I wouldn't know where to begin!!!

(I have another blog thats more "me" than the one this links to...I hate "promoting" myself, but thought I'd share if you ever have time...haha funny I know!: http://randomramblingsfrome. )

Furrow said...

Yum! Is there anything better than home baked bread? I'm thankful for my bread machine, even though I can't do rolls or pretty braided loaves in it.

Jennifer said...

I'm incredibly impressed. I think bread baking is a hobby I'd like to learn...especially if I could make it whole wheat without all that bad stuff added from store bought stuff.

Jennifer said...


(and yum to the cookie dough, too! *grin*)

amanda said...


the dragonfly said...

Oh...I have very bad luck with bread. A couple years ago, for St. Patrick's Day, I tried to make soda bread to go with my Irish stew. Not a pretty picture. The outside was rock hard and the center was doughy. Ack.

I'm very impressed. I didn't know you could surprise me anymore. ;)

We're going to get a bread machine.

the dragonfly said...

p.s. Look at my blog...I gave you an award!! :)

Kristi B said...

I love making my own bread. I used to do it all the time before kids! sigh. You are right. I should do it again now while the kids are there to enjoy it. Maybe tomorrow? Yummy!

dawn224 said...

wow! lookit you! I've been thinking of baking bread ... for the smell alone :)